10 Steps to Becoming a Carbon Neutral Business

Page 35 STEP 09: CONTINUE TO IMPROVE Continue to improve STEP 09 Now that you have achieved carbon neutrality, it does not mean you are finished or can sit back and relax. You have been through a detailed process that has revealed plenty of things that can be improved along the way. Data collection and validation, employee engagement activities, emission reduction opportunities that you want to pursue, your own renewable energy project – there is an endless list of things to pick up and continuously improve because carbon neutrality is an ongoing activity. Every year you need to prove that your reductions and offsets equal your emissions. You should also think about what is next for your company. Perhaps you want to raise the bar and go for an even more ambitious reduction target, or include more emissions in the scope of your carbon neutrality claim. This is certainly the way the world moves and it would be prudent to prepare for stepping up even further even if you are already in the lead. This is also the time to pause and consider the strategic next step. Assess whether you still have the right partner in place, whether to strengthen your organization around delivery of your carbon neutrality program and how you see the activities develop over the coming years. Offset Reduce the need for purchasing carbon offsets Reduce Further reduce costs and improve the business Account Improve data and reporting Continuous Improvement