10 Steps to Becoming a Carbon Neutral Business

Page 37 STEP 10: CELEBRATE AND SHARE If only a handful of companies pursue carbon neutrality, the impact on global climate change will be very limited. It is necessary to create a movement and build sufficient momentum to really make a difference. Consider it your expanded responsibility as a carbon neutral company to tell the story and inspire the companies that are not yet carbon neutral to follow. LM WIND POWER’S APPROACH TO ANNOUNCING, SHARING AND INSPIRING An integral part of our carbon neutrality pledge was to tell the story of what we did and how we did it to the rest of the world. Inherent in our pledge was the desire to encourage others in the value chain to follow our lead, and we were keen to use our journey as a lever to make that easier. One company cannot change the world alone, so inspiring others became a key objective in itself. We combined traditional means of communication like newsletters and intranet stories for employees with more engaging and interactive elements like our “Go Carbon Neutral in 30 Minutes” game at various events, also externally. Before achieving the target in July 2018, we communicated what carbon neutrality meant and the key workstreams we had initiated to get there. Now that we have reached the goal, our focus will be on sharing how we did it, making all of our knowledge and insights available to enable others to follow. The guide you are reading right now is a key part of that.