
People and society Carbon neutrality Circularity Introduction LM Wind Power Sustainability Performance 2022 To make sure that safety measures are executed properly, vari- ous programs and EHS audits are in place at the plant level. Our “Stop Work” procedure empowers our employees to stop work or decline to perform a task when they feel unsafe. In 2022, more than 2300 stop works & 10,000 EHS concerns were report- ed by employees. EHS alerts containing injuries, event descrip- tions and analysis of the root cause are shared with plants glob- ally to pinpoint risks and call for extra precautions or initiate the implementation of preventive actions for all operations. Our commitment to providing and promoting safe and healthy work environments drove our efforts in 2021 to elimi- nate the use of acetone at all LM Wind Power manufacturing facilities, test facilities, laboratories and service departments worldwide. In 2022 we went a step further and put the chemi- cal on our banned list to ensure that it will not be used in any of the products we use for our blades. The dibasic ester (DBE) that we now use instead of acetone can be recycled and thereby reused up to 3-4 times, which also aids our efforts to lower the amount of hazardous waste. As part of our target to eliminate all chemicals with low flash- point we also changed all our mold maintenance chemicals from solvent to water based across all our facilities. Additionally, in close partnership with resin suppliers, our experts also successfully researched and found new formula- tions of resins with less harmful substances to health and the environment. To ensure our safety management systems are on par with international best practice, we aim to certify all production sites according to ISO 14001 and ISO 45001. All our production sites, except one new plant that will have a year to implement all management systems, passed such certification in 2022. Our EHS policy and Vision Safe program Our principle is : Think safe, act safe and arrive home safely. GE Renewable Energy’s Global Environment, Health and Safe- ty (EHS) Policy guides our safety initiatives and drives the energy transition through clever solution in the entire GE Renewable Energy portfolio. We strive to provide and pro- mote a safe and healthy working environment, use natural resources and energy in a sustainable way and avoid adverse impact to employees and contractors, our customers, the environment and the communities in which we do business. While developing new and safe manufacturing processes, we follow the EHS strategic Vision Safe program to ensure that we: • Operationalize EHS with front line managers through Plan Do Review (PDR) program • Increase EHS competences in critical roles to lead and sus- tain the EHS Culture transformation • Include Safety by Design through incorporating human fac- tors, implement Poke Yoke solution and to de-risk human and machine interfaces by using the top three hierarchy of control to eliminate or substitute hazards and implement engineering control measures • Focus on Heat Map and Strengths of Defenses to recog- nize, evaluate and control EHS hazards and mitigate risks on energized work, working at height, crane/hoisting, pow- ered equipment tools and manual handling operations • Focus on injuries linked to High-Risk Operations (HRO) • Create a safe and healthy working environment for all employees, as well as partners and contractors, consistent with all applicable regulatory requirements, GE standards and requirements and best EHS practices • Make safe and environmentally friendly products from the design and throughout the lifecycle • Promote and reward positive behaviors and ideas that sup- port our EHS culture • Continue “Stop the work” mindset in case of any risky situ- ations • Organize CEO Safety Kaizen across all plants with a focus on risk elimination • Include EHS performance as an essential part of the over- all company success • Conduct continuous evaluation and update of the EHS pro- grams to ensure continued improvement and sustainable effectiveness When introducing new materials or processes, we always undertake an EHS risk assessment to identify potential risks for any people involved and for the environment. The change in materials cannot be implemented before plans to address or control risks associated with the change are developed. The new material or process must as a minimum be at the same lev- el of risk, and preferably better to ever reach implementation. EHS is a shared responsibility where everyone is held accountable and owns EHS. Our EHS programs combine clear leadership commitment and accountability – every employee up to the CEO are responsible and accountable for imple- menting the EHS policy. Tracking our safety performance To track our performance, we score our plants according to the EHS Framework 3.0, an EHS management system based on site risk profiles. We track two types of indicators to meas- ure our safety performance, the leading and lagging indicators – both reported in Gensuite® an EHS web tool. Leading indica- tors provide early warning signs of potential failures, leading to proactive, preventive and predictive measures before major safety incidents might take place. On the other hand, lagging indicators, such as injury and illness rate, EHS related events are records of failure as safety barrier, leading to corrective actions after incidents have already taken place. These EHS performances indicators are consolidated and reported at CEO level during the monthly EHS KPI review. Safety At LM Wind Power, people are at the very core of our business. They are involved with securing the right materials from sup- pliers, designing and building blades for our customers. We regard employee engagement, motivation, career manage- ment and training as key to the success of our business, ena- bling us to deliver high quality blades globally. A diverse and engaged workforce is one of our strengths and we continue to invest in and promote the values of diversity and inclusion. We are also deeply committed to respecting the highest social and human rights standards with whoever we interact. At LM Wind Power, safety is our number one priority. Ensur- ing safety at work is not only a corporate compliance require- ment, but a responsibility that we have towards our over 11,000 employees, to all the suppliers we work together with and to our communities globally. We want to grow our busi- ness responsibly and cultivate a safety mindset not only in our own operations but also in the value chain to build and promote a true safety culture. Our safety process and culture As a manufacturing business, we encounter most of our safe- ty risks at production sites where employees can be in con- tact with chemicals, use various equipment and work in high- risk activities. There are robust systems, processes and programs in place to ensure safe operations and the continu- ous development of a culture of safety and competence. Working safely starts with adequate safety education. During onboarding, all our new employees attend trainings to under- stand LM Wind Power’s Global EHS policy fundamentals and become aware of employees’ responsibility for EHS. At plants, employees receive local EHS trainings on topics such as chemical handling, confined space, correct use of protective equipment, ergonomics, waste management, stop work and EHS concern and incident reporting. 21