Sustainability Performance 2021
At LM Wind Power, safety is our number one priority. Ensuring safety at work is not merely a corporate compliance require- ment, but a responsibility that we have towards our over 11,000 employees, to all the suppliers we work together with and to our communities globally. We want to grow our business responsibly and cultivate a safety mindset not only in our own operations but also in the value chain to build and promote a true safety culture. Our EHS policy and Vision Safe program GE Renewable Energy’s Global Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) Policy guides our safety initiatives and drive the energy transition through clever solution in the entire REN portfolio. We strive to provide and promote a safe and healthy working environment, use natural resources and energy in a sustain- able way and avoid adverse impact to employees and contrac- tors, our customers, the environment, and the communities in which we do business. While developing new and safe manufac- turing processes, we follow the EHS strategic Vision Safe pro- gram to ensure that we: • Operationalize EHS with front line managers through Plant Do Review (PDR) program • Increase EHS competences in critical roles to lead and sus- tain the EHS Culture transformation • Include Safety by design through incorporating human fac- tors, implement Poke yoke solution to de-risk human and machine interfaces using the top 3 hierarchy of control to eliminate and substitute hazards, implement Engineering control measure. • Focus on Heat Map and Strengths of Defenses to recognize, evaluate and control EHS hazards and mitigate risks on ener- gized work, working at height, crane/hoisting, powered equipment tools and manual handling operations • Focus on injuries linked to High-Risk Operations (HRO) • Create a safe and healthy working environment for all employees, as well as partners and contractors, consistent with all applicable regulatory requirements, GE standards, and requirements and highest EHS practices • Make safe and environmentally friendly products from the design and throughout the lifecycle • Promote & reward positive behaviors and ideas that support our EHS culture • Continue “Stop the work” mindset in case of any risky situations • Organize CEO Safety Kaizen across all plants with a focus on risk elimination • Include EHS performance as an essential part of the overall company success • Conduct continuous evaluation and update of the EHS pro- grams to ensure continued improvement and sustainable effectiveness EHS is a shared responsibility where everyone is held account- able and owns EHS. Our EHS programs combine clear leader- ship commitment and accountability together with the empow- erment of all employees- Employees and leaders up to the CEO are in charge of and accountable for implementing the policy. Our safety process and culture As a manufacturing business, we encounter most of our safety risks at production sites where employees can be in contact with chemicals, use various equipment and working in High- Risk activities. There are robust systems, processes, and pro- grams in place to ensure safe operations and the continuous development of a culture of safety and competence. Working safely starts with adequate safety education. During onboarding, all our new employees attend trainings to under- stand LM Wind Power’s Global EHS policy fundamentals and become aware of employees’ responsibility for EHS. At plants, employees receive local EHS trainings on topics such as: • Chemical handling • Confined space • Correct use of protective equipment • Stop Work, EHS Concern & Incident reporting • Ergonomics • Waste management To make sure that safety measures are executed properly, vari- ous programs and EHS Audits are in place at the plant level. The “Stop Work” procedure empowers our employees to stop work or decline to perform a task when they feel unsafe. In 2021, nearly 3,000 Stop works & 25,000 EHS concerns were reported by employees. EHS alerts containing injuries, event descriptions, and analysis of the root cause are shared with plants globally to pinpoint risks and call for extra precautions or initiate the implementation of “Preventive Actions” for all operations. Revenue invested in R&D in 2021, comp red to 4.0 % in the previous year ** Total waste for recycling in 2021, compare to 27% in the previous year 41% Net carbon footprint (tCO 2 e) for Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions in 2021, compared to 0 in the previous year 0 Renewable el ctricity consumption (including instruments like EACs) in 2021, compared to 100% in the previous year 100% Employees acknowledged GE's The Spirit & the Letter 2021, which addresses anti-corruption and bribery *** * In our Safety metrics, we consider LM employees & LM Coordinated Contractors ** R&D investment figures are based on numbers from the annual report. *** At GE, trainings on anti-corruption and bribery are issued every two years. As 2021 was intervening year , employe s were asked to confirm that they hav read and understood GE’s the Spirit & the Letter and agree to comply with its obligations, which cover anti-corruption and bribery. We will continue with the employee trainings to maint in awareness and empower them to play a role in maintaining compliance. 100% Days Away from Work rate per 200,000 working hours in 2021, compared to 0.32 in the previous year * 0.53 Illness and injury rate per 200,000 working hours in 2021, compared to 0.56 in the previous year * 0.73 New blade designs lau ched in 2021, compared to 12 in the previous year 10 4.0% Rev i ve i in 2 1, c a to . i h e iou ** t l t f li i 20 1, m ar in t i ear Ne n o tp i t (t O ) f r pe 1 d Sc e i io i , c mp 0 in he e i s ar en l el c ri it c ion i l i i li i , i i 0 loy es ledge E's e piri & , i i i i * * I o r Saf t m t i s, e n i l i t t t * i t t f t l t. * * At , tr i i o ti- o ru ti i er a i u d e e t ea . 2 wa i t r ni a , lo ees we e ke t o rm t at t h e t ’ t i it t t t l it it li ti , i ti- ti i . i l ti it t pl t i i g t i t i s a e t to la ole i ai t i i g mpli . , i i , . i i * l i j , i i , . i i * l de de ig la nc e i , o ed o 12 in evi u ear * In our Safety metrics, we consider LM employees & LM Coordinated Contractors. 17 | LM WIND POWER SUSTAINABILITY PERFORMANCE 2021