Sustainability Performance 2021

Carbon emissions reporting Depending on the extent of control a company has on the emissions, carbon footprint is commonly reported in the form of scope 1, scope 2, or scope 3. Scope 1 emissions refer to the emissions that are a direct consequence of a company’s own operations. For example, emissions generated by company- owned vehicles or facilities are considered scope 1 emissions. Scope 2 emissions cover indirect emissions from purchased electricity, heating, cooling or steam. The emissions are con- sidered to be indirect emissions because the actual generation of the emissions physically occurs outside of the company- owned site and takes place at power plants. Scope 3 emissions include other indirect emissions, such as business travel and waste disposal. We calculate our carbon footprint in line with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, which undergoes external validation. We contin- ued to use 100% renewable electricity in 2021, which saved more than 95,000 tCO 2 e compared to sourcing electricity from the grid. Also in 2021, the highest contribution to our carbon footprint was the indirect emissions from energy consumption in our facilities. While we procure renewable electricity, this is a critical area of focus for us as our consumption is significant and the indirect emissions remain. Your business Upstream activities Downstream activities PFCs SF 6 NF 3 HFCs CH 4 CO 2 N 2 O Greenhouse gas emissions SCOPE 3 indirect SCOPE 1 direct SCOPE 2 direct Company facilities Company vehicles Leasedassets Investments End-of-life treatment ofsold products Useofsold products Franchises Transportationand distribution Processingofsold products SCOPE 3 indirect Purchasedelectricity, steam,heating& cooling Leasedassets Employee commuting Business travel Capitalgoods Transportationand distribution Purchasedgoods andservices Fuelandenergy related activities Wastegenerated inoperations 21 | LM WIND POWER SUSTAINABILITY PERFORMANCE 2021