Sustainability Performance 2021
Environment (continued) 2021 Target 2021 (change) 2020 (change) 2019 (change) 2018 (change) Waste* Total production waste (tons) N/A 55,490 (-4%) 57,612 (-0.4%) 57,392 (+29%) 45,520 (+6%) Total waste for landfill (tons) N/A 12,476 (-9%) 13,697 (-14%) 15,861 (+5%) 15,178 (+2%) Hazardous waste for landfill (tons) N/A 7 6 7 27 Non-hazardous waste for landfill (tons) N/A 12,469 13,691 15,855 15,151 Total waste for incineration (tons) N/A 20,139 (-28%) 27,896 (+2%) 27,247 (+42%) 19,166 (+13%) Hazardous waste for incineration (tons) N/A 4,133 11,804 11,845 6,164 Non-hazardous waste for incineration (tons) N/A 16,006 16,020 15,403 13,003 Total waste for recycling (tons) N/A 22,875 (+43%) 16,020 (+12%) 14,282 (+28%) 11,175 (+5%) Hazardous waste for recycling (kg) N/A 2,829 115 219 143 Non-hazardous waste for recycling (kg) N/A 20,046 15,905 14,063 11,033 Total waste for recycling (% of total production waste) N/A 41 (+46%) 28 (+12%) 25 (+0%) 25 (-2%) * Waste data is tracked in our internal sustainability reporting system. Energy* Total energy consumption (GJ) N/A 1,032,357 (+2%) 1,013,296 (-10%) 1,121,434 (+19%) 944,584 (+14%) Fuel not used for transport (GJ) N/A 334,681 (+15%) 291,164 (-23%) 377,252 (0%) 377,441 (+22%) Electricity consumption (GJ) N/A 697,676 (-3%) 722,131 (-3%) 744,181 (+31%) 567,143 (+10%) * The energy data is tracked in our internal sustainability reporting system. Fuel consumption frommobile sources is excluded from our total energy consumption. 2021 Target 2021 (change) 2020 (change) 2019 (change) 2018 (change) Blade designs Number of new blade designs launched N/A 10 12 7 10 Product quality Non-conformity rate* 0.69% 0.39% N/A N/A N/A * From 2021, we no longer report non-conformity rate in parts per million. The percentage we currently report represents the number of quality incidents over the total delivered. R&D investment R&D investment (% of revenue)* N/A 4.0% (0%) 4.0% (+3%) 3.7% (-30%) 5.3% (-5%) * R&D investment figuers are based on numbers from the annual report. Technology 7 | LM WIND POWER SUSTAINABILITY PERFORMANCE 2021