Sustainability Performance 2021
People 2021 Target 2021 (change) 2020 (change) 2019 (change) 2018 (change) Employees* Headcount N/A 11,492 (-13%) 13,233 (-7%) 14,238 (+22%) 11,613 (+19%) * Trainees / Interns /Externals are not a part of this headcount. 2019 target 2021 2018 (change) 2017 (change) 2016 (change) Employees* Number of employees by region China: 2,088 Europe:4,118 India: 3,015 Americas: 2,271 Number of employees by employment type, by gender Full-time Female:1,995 Male: 9,446 Part-time Female:24 Male: 37 * Trainees / Interns /Externals are not a part of this employee count. 2021 Diversity Diversity of employees, excluding governance bodies Gender (%) Female : 18 Male: 82 2021 Target 2021 (change) 2020 (change) 2019 (change) 2018 (change) Performance and development review * Performance Development eligible employees (% of employees) N/A 15.4 (+12%) 14 (+0%) 14 (-22%) 18 (+0%) * This percentage reflects that all our White Collar employees are eligible for our Performance Development. We ensure our Blue Collar employees' development through our local performance systems and Global Skills Matrix. Anti-bribery and corruption White Collar employees acknowledged anti-bribery and corruption policies and procedures (%)* 100 100 95 90 90 * At GE, trainings on anti-corruption and bribery are issued every two years. As 2021 was a intervening year, employees were asked to confirm that they have read and understood GE’s the Spirit & the Letter and agree to comply with its obligations, which cover anti-corruption and bribery. We will continue with the employee train- ings to maintain awareness and empower them to play a role in maintaining compliance. 8 | LM WIND POWER SUSTAINABILITY PERFORMANCE 2021