Sustainability Performance 2021
The report As a signatory to the UN Global Compact, we believe that the Sustainability report is the right platform to communicate progress against our Sustainability targets to our wide range of stakeholders and to guide the future engagement. The report follows the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact. It meets the requirements of the Danish Financial Statements Act and we map our performance against the Sustainability Development Goals as applicable. The first part of the report gives an overview of our business and intro- duces our approach to sustainability reporting. In the latter part, we elaborate on how we manage our material Sustain- ability topics and demonstrate our progress on Key Perfor- mance Indicators in the areas of Safety, Environment, Technol- ogy and People. The report has been developed by LM Group Holding A/S and covers global operations. Reporting scope Unless otherwise indicated, the data and information provided in this report cover our global operations from 1 January to 31 December 2021. External Assurance This report has not been fully scrutinized by external auditors, but our core Sustainability data used in greenhouse gas accounting (e.g. fuel consumption, electricity consumption and waste) have been reviewed by external experts. The environmental data reported through our Sustainability reporting platform is well-maintained by our EHS team and is also regularly checked by both our EHS and Sustainability team. Other data points also come from functions within the company, which each have their own data quality reviews. Internally, the report content has been reviewed by functional leads and the respective Management Team members – Senior Director, Global Communications, Vice President Human Resources, Vice President Quality and Environment, Health and Safety, Vice President Engineering and the CEO. Contact details We very much appreciate input and feedback from our stake- holders on the reporting. In case of questions regarding the report, or our Sustainability policies or performance – please reach out to: Katelyn Huber Sustainability Leader +45 7984 0970 Mette Pedersen Senior Manager, Global Performance and Sustainability +45 7984 0552 About the report 9 | LM WIND POWER SUSTAINABILITY PERFORMANCE 2021