you and your business can create balance
Sustainable business means taking responsibility for your impact. That’s the definition of carbon neutrality: reducing your emissions as much as possible and compensating for the rest. We took the leap and so can you. Lead the way to a cleaner world!
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Step 1: Define your ambitionThere are many ways to define carbon neutrality. Understand and choose your path.Explore Step 1
Step 2: Find your partnerYour ambition may require extra hands. Validate your claim with external experts.Explore Step 2
Step 3: Create your baselineTo achieve balance, you need a starting point. Ensure your data is strong.Explore Step 3
Step 4: Set your strategyEmission reduction, renewable energy, carbon offsets…Choose your combination.Explore Step 4
Step 5: Engage your colleaguesColleagues are your best analysts, advisors and advocates. Bring them onboard.Explore Step 5
Step 6: Reduce your emissionsTo benefit your pocket and the planet, improve efficiency and decrease emissions.Explore Step 6
Step 7: Switch to renewable energyEnergy is a major CO2 emitter. Source renewable energy to cut your emissions.Explore Step 7
Step 8: Balance your remaining emissionsYou’ve reduced emissions as much as you can. Offset the rest with carbon credits.Explore Step 8
Step 9: Continue to improveCarbon neutrality is an ongoing process. Account and improve every year.Explore Step 9
Step 10: Celebrate and shareYou’ve achieved something unique and great! Spread the word and inspire others.Explore Step 10