Mytrah Energy: Benefits beyond carbon
It’s simply not possible to reduce your carbon footprint 100 percent – every business, and individual, uses resources and impacts the environment. But, once you’ve reduced as much as possible, you can act responsibly regarding your remaining emissions. Purchasing carbon credits allowed LM Wind Power to balance the emissions from our business, by supporting a project that reduces carbon emissions elsewhere in the world. Learn more about the mytrah energy project in india, where environmental and community benefits go hand-in-hand.
At LM Wind Power, we firmly believe carbon neutrality brings benefits beyond mitigating climate change. When purchasing carbon credits, we choose to invest in projects that also support the Sustainable Development Goals by creating jobs, training health workers, empowering young women and providing clean water.
The Mytrah Energy project in India is a stand-out example of how environmental and community benefits can go hand-in-hand. On the surface, Mytrah is a wind project, totaling 233.1 MW of wind power capacity, which prevents 479,448 tonnes of greenhouse gasses from entering the atmosphere every year. Through increased access to clean energy, the project inherently benefits surrounding communities by avoiding the negative impacts on air quality and health associated with fossil fuels.
However, surrounding communities feel the impact of the Mytrah project much more directly. This project created 150 permanent jobs and 210 jobs during the construction phase. Mytrah also established a store with donated items for disadvantaged community members. To empower young women, the project created two community camps which have already taught 500 girls about gender rights, health and soft skills.
Health benefits from the project also go beyond the clean energy itself. The project has invested in training 100 volunteers who can help improve the health of people living in surrounding slums. Mytrah also set up a safe water project that provides clean water, sanitation education and improved latrine services. In fact, 12,000 people have benefited from the establishment of seven safe drinking water plants in three states.
As we continue to find ways to reduce emissions from our business, we’re proud to also support projects like Mytrah Energy – creating clean energy, while also developing reliable infrastructure, strong economies and healthy communities worldwide.

12,000 people
Benefiting from clean water, sanitation education and improved latrine services.

500 girls
Educated in gender rights, health and soft skills.